Current Classes Offered at the Mission



Looking for ways to make the most of your grocery money? Come to The Mission's Lunch & Learn monthly nutrition class.  Different community partners, such as Glean KY, Food Chain, and Fayette County UK Extension Office, will be leading this time.  Each time we are together there will be a kitchen tool, everything needed to make your own meal at home, and an opportunity to win a door prize. Hope to see you this month on the third Tuesday at noon in the dining hall. 


We want neighbors to have the skills and knowledge to make good use of their resources. The first Tuesday of the month we would like to invite you to lunch at the mission to explore and discuss topics such as finance, budgeting, banking, home energy, and housing rights and issues.  Community partners such as Thivant Finance, Blue Grass Green Source, and Lexington-Fayette Urban County Human Rights Commission, will lead the workshop.  



This class is offered every 4th Tuesday of the month at 4:00pm in the Health & Wellness Center, Suite 150.  If you have been diagnosed with diabetes or would like more information for a family member or friend, come join others who desire to make healthy choice!


Jobs for Life Class

This fall will be hosting our third Jobs for Life Class facilitated by the Lexington Rescue Mission. This is a 12 session training program. By training, equipping, and connecting churches, ministries, and businesses in communities, Jobs for life helps prepare men and women for meaningful work through honest relationships, mentoring, work-force development training, and an ongoing community of support. Call the Mission for more details or simply show up!

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Financial Wellness class

Our Financial Wellness class provided in partnership with REACH, covers ways to help you live within your means, develop a spending plan that will help you reach your goals, tips to create savings for things you want or need, and debt management.  The class is limited to 12 people.  For every class you attend, you will receive $5 and for those who show proof of a saving account and have attended all 6 classes will receive a bonus check.    Sign up with Sheila or in the front office. This class will be held in the spring and the fall.

Cooking class

Usually offered in the Spring and Fall, our 7-week cooking class is a place to find healthy recipes on a budget. Let the front office know if you are interested in this class. Participants will received a small kitchen appliance if they attend 6 of the 7 classes.

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